EA Community

Professional networks

The International network of esophageal atresia (INoEA) is a non-profit organization of professionals working in the field of Esophageal atresia

ERNICA is the European Reference Network for Rare Inherited Congenital Anomalies. ERNICA involves teams from 20 European hospitals from 10 Member States.

FIMATHO’s vocation is to facilitate and coordinate actors implicated in care of rare abdominothoracic diseases in France.



F.AT.E. è l’Associazione italiana di Famiglie con bambini o adulti affetti dall’Atresia dell’Esofago (AE)

 L’AFAO est une association qui aide et informe les personnes nées avec une atrésie de l’oesophage.

ATE , Associación Atresia de Esófago

OARA Ltd.The Oesophageal Atresia Research Association a national group  all over Australia.

Australian TOF OA group

TOFs    Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula Supports

KEKS Die Patienten- und Selbsthilfeorganistion für Kinder und Erwachsene mit kranker Speiseröhre e.V.

Global meetingpoint of TOF/OA parents children and (young) adults

Atrésie de l’œsophage

TOF/OA/VACTERL mother’s nursery issues and solutions

The Esophageal Atresia Treatment Program at Boston Children’s Hospital

Bridging the Gap of EA/Tef US





Families websites

AFAO French Support Group    www.afao.asso.fr 

ABeFAO Belgium Support Group  www.abefao.be

ATE Spanish Support Group  www.atesofago.org

ATEAR  Argentina  Support Group  www.atear.org

AQAO, Canadian Support Group    www.aquao.org

FATE,  Italian Support Group   www.atresiaesofagea.it

KEKS, Austrian Support Group www.keks.at

KEKS,   German Support Group   www.keks.org

KEKS,  Swiss Support Group

OARA, Australian Support Group  www.oara.org.au

OATSA  South Africa   Support Group www.oatsa.co.za/ 

TOFS,  British Support Group   www.tofs.org.uk

TROAD, Turkish Support Group  www.troad.org

VOKS, Dutch Support Group   www.voks.nl

EA/TEF Child and Family Support Connection, Inc.  http://www.eatef.org/