When our daughter Lois was born with trachea oesophageal fistula 10 years ago, my husband and I were in complete shock. Like most mothers, I had visualised us as a happy, relaxed family in the days following her birth. My […] LEARN MORE
Since December 2012, the KEKS House in Stuttgart Sommerrain has been completed and “put into operation”. KEKS families can meet here when they simply need time away from their daily chores with their ill child. Together we attempt to find […] LEARN MORE
We have one dad who is a 3D animation designer and he teaches at a Lab Creation, a training program for 3D designers in Mesagne, a small town in Puglia. I have asked him if he would be willing to […] LEARN MORE
The survival of infants born with esophageal atresia (EA) has improved significantly yet many children experience significant short and long-term morbidity associated with reduced quality of life and lower parental health perception scores. The burden of care, related to frequent […] LEARN MORE