When our beautiful twins, son Mats and daughter Jinte, were born in December 2011, we were in for a great shock. Within a few hours after his birth, Mats was diagnosed with an esophageal atresia and VACTERL. He had to […] LEARN MORE
A record number of adults born with Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula and/or Oesophageal Atresia (‘Adult TOFs’) attended the Adult TOF Seminar, held at Friends House, London on June 16th 2018. The Seminar commenced with five Adult TOFs describing their life with TOF/OA. […] LEARN MORE
For the EA travelers, here are 70 keywords translated in nine different languages! TerminologyGlossary_
Great ( and sunny!) day for our ABeFAO Family Day in Pairi Daiza (Belgium) on 22/4/2018! A good opportunity to meet our new members, to share questions and experiences.. and to enjoy our children’s large smiles! Thanks to all our […] LEARN MORE
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Long term outcomes of esophageal atresia (OA) are poorly understood. The Federation of Esophageal Atresia and Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula support groups (EAT), a collaboration of patient support groups aimed to define patient reported long term outcomes and quality of […] LEARN MORE
Dear fellow-sufferers of esophageal atresia, I am 18 years old and was born myself with a long-gap esophageal atresia. In my last year of high school I have to write a diploma thesis. Since I am now more concerned about […] LEARN MORE
A TOFS member Mayyada Wazaify translated some of the TOFS leaflets into Arabic! Mayyada is Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the University of Jordan and also Mum to five year old Mohammad, born with TOF/OA. Mohammad has needed six oesophageal […] LEARN MORE
In this video, Graham Slater, EAT Chairman, presents the outcomes arising from the 2014 EA survey.