The program will lead to an improved understanding of Oesophageal Atresia, inspire development of innovative therapies, enhance local and international collaborations and help establish well defined evidence based standards of care for Oesophageal Atresia.
EAT is very pleased to welcome two new members: ABeFAO (Belgium Association Belge Francophone de l’Atrésie de l’Oesophage) TROAD (Türkiye Özofagus Atrezisi Çocuk ve Aile Destek Derneği) were accepted without objections.
EURORDIS has established European Patient Advocacy Groups (ePAGs) to work with the EU’s initiative to create European Reference Networks (ERNs). EURORDIS recently asked for people from its member associations like EAT to come forwards possible delegates for these ePAGs. Eat […] LEARN MORE